We look forward to hearing from you.
Chroma Projects has risen to the challenge of locating in a number of pop-up spaces around town since losing its fabulous original downtown mall location. However, Chroma’s newest iteration as a Micro Gallery is now housed in a bank vault inside Vault Virginia. The address is 3rd Street, S.E. The entrance is along the side of the grand old bank building on 3rd Street, S.E. and up the staircase or elevator to the main floor.
Viewing hours are generally from 10-4 Monday-Friday. We are open on occasion on Saturday afternoons. It is advisable to check about getting into the space by emailing Deborah at artlab@chromaprojects.com, or calling 434 806-9667
Chroma Projects - Now inside @VAULTVIRGINIA
3rd Street S.E.
(Entrance is directly across The Front Porch)
Charlottesville, Va. 22902